The Equality and Diversity Group (EDG) meet weekly. Our aim is to ensure that everyone in our school community feels respected, loved, equal and special, just as God created us to be. Our group has begun their work by marking World Mental Health Day in September and Anti-Bullying week in October.
For World Mental Health day we handed out stickers, affirmation cards, chocolates and fruit to students and staff in school to spread love and positivity. We also created a presentation for forms about how to stay mentally well. In the chapel, we created a ‘mindfulness zone’ for pupils to come and find some peace and stillness in their busy week.
In Anti-Bullying Week we marked the week with an ‘odd socks’ day. Wearing odd socks reminded pupils that we are all different, special and unique. We also ran an inter-house competition to design a school anti-bullying poster and pupils made odd socks in forms to represent themselves, which have been turned into a bunting display.
During this week the school launched ‘report it’ boxes. If pupils are concerned about themselves, or anyone else, then they can report it anonymously in the boxes situated in the library or on the RE corridor, or online via our school website.