Brownedge St Mary`s has a clear and uncompromising vision for how we should continually be transforming and striving for excellence. As a part of this process we have robust arrangements for monitoring our processes and standards as it is a priority for us to be a reflective and self-evaluating school. 

We are challenging ourselves to become an outstanding Catholic school and we value the practice of self-assessment and improvement planning as we aim to move forward towards this. Our self-evaluation is an embedded tool for accelerating school improvement, requiring us as leaders to judge the impact of provision on a range of outcomes. These outcomes are judged against national criteria such as the Ofsted framework and the Diocesan Framework for Religious Education. 

Our self-evaluation systems essentially asks three interlinked questions:

•    What is the IMPACT of our provision?
•    How do we KNOW?
•    What are our NEXT STEPS to improve or maintain impact?

We have well established systems of self-evaluation operating across the school which allow us as a school to judge the quality of what we do and to identify what our next steps are to maintain good provision or to improve things not yet good. These systems have different layers running from Governors, through senior team links, to middle leaders, teachers/staff and pupils.