Key Stage Three Curriculum

At Brownedge St Mary’s, our pupils in Key Stage Three experience a broad and balanced curriculum allowing them to extend their knowledge and understanding, as well as skills, in a range of academic, artistic, creative and sporting subjects and activities. Through offering a diverse subject offer, pupils make substantial and sustained progress where they are engaged, challenged and inspired to learn as they move through their school life.

  Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Religious Education 2.5 2.5 2.5
English 3.5 4 4
Maths 3.5 3 4
Science 3 3 3
Art 1 1 1
Computing 1 1 1
Geography 2 2 2
History 2 2 2
Modern Foreign Languages


(French and German)


(French and German)


(Pupils specialise in French or German)

Performing Arts (Music and Drama) 1.5 1 1
Physical Education 2 2 1.5
Technology (Design & Food) 1 1 1

Learning for Life (including Citizenship & RSHE) - Each year group has 20 hours a year